BLIK: 798101004




Tomasz Arnold

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Scatter in the Sky

Scatter in the Sky explores the concept of “guilty pleasure” within the active performance. I begin the piece with singing a “cheesy” pop song that I composed (both music and the lyrics), which draws on the concept of my guilty pleasures and exposes me as the one that makes it happen on stage. After this calm but uncomfortable beginning, the piece transforms itself into a structured improvisation for drum-set and voice with electronic processing. The piece is an exploration of my full musical identity that bridges between the simple, common music genres of POP with noise and complexity of classical contemporary academic music. Scatter in the Sky has worked for me as a kind of immersion therapy to cure myself of “guilt” of musical pleasures and arrive at full artistic freedom.

Instrumentation: drum-set, keys, (piano, upright piano or keyboard), voice, live electronics (dynamic mic, audio interface, laptop, stereo PA)


Duration: ca. 12’


Difficulty: intermediate


2016, Middletown, CT

  1. pl
  2. en

Tomasz Arnold

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