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Tomasz Arnold

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Bach, Johann Sebastian

Suita lutniowa e-moll BWV 996

Sonata skrzypcowa nr 2 a-moll BWV 1003     

Suita wiolonczelowa nr 4 Es-dur BWV 1010 

Suita wiolonczelowa nr 5 c-moll BWV 1011

Bach, Johann SebastianSuita lutniowa e-moll BWV 996

                        Sonata skrzypcowa nr 2 a-moll BWV 1003     

                        Suita wiolonczelowa nr 4 Es-dur BWV 1010 

                        Suita wiolonczelowa nr 5 c-moll BWV 1011

Chopin, Fryderyk (arr.Tomasz Arnold):

Mazurek f-moll op. 7 nr 3 

Mazurek e-moll op. 17 nr 2 

Mazurek Des-dur op. 30 nr 3 

Mazurek h-moll op. 33 nr 4 

Mazurek e-moll op. 41 nr 1 

Mazurek H-dur op. 56 nr 1

Walc Des-dur op. 64 nr 1

Nokturn e-moll op. posth 72 nr 1

Chopin, Fryderyk (arr.Tomasz Arnold): Mazurek f-moll op. 7 nr 3 

                                      Mazurek e-moll op. 17 nr 2 

                                      Mazurek Des-dur op. 30 nr 3 

                                      Mazurek h-moll op. 33 nr 4 

                                      Mazurek e-moll op. 41 nr 1 

                                      Mazurek H-dur op. 56 nr 1

                                      Walc Des-dur op. 64 nr 1

                                      Nokturn e-moll op. posth 72 nr 1



Abe, Keiko:

Ancient Vase

Dream of the Cherry Blossoms 


Wind in the Bamboo Grove


Andriessen, Louis: Woodpecker


Arnold, Tomasz:

Scherzo 3

Scherzo 4

Variations on the Seven Pitches 


Burritt, Michael:



                                Druckman, Jacob:

Reflections On the Nature of Water


Edwards, Ross:

Marimba Dances


Ignatowicz, Anna:



Kopetzki, Eckhard:



Long, Patrick:

Smoke of the Ghost


Magin, Carrie:



Manoury, Philippe:

Solo de vibraphone 


Miyake, Kazunori:



Morris, Robert:

Stream Runner 


Muramatsu, Takatsugu:



Puts, Kevin:



Sanchez-Gutierrez, Carlos: Winik/Te' 


Sammut, Eric:



Schmitt, Matthias:


Sechs Miniaturen


Schwantner, Joseph:



Sejourne, Emmanuel:



Smadbeck, Paul:

Rhythm Song


Stucky, Steven:

Isabelle Dances 


Sueyoshi, Yasuo:

Mirage pour marimba


Szalonek, Witold:

Agnesissimo- Africanissimo


Thrower, John:

True Colours 


Towner, Ralph (arr. Tomasz Arnold): If 


Vu, Ania:

Floating Dandelions


Wuorinen, Charles:

Marimba Variations


Zivkovich, Nebojsa Jovan:




Zohn-Muldoon, Ricardo:






Bach, Johann Sebastian

Suita lutniowa e-moll BWV 996


Sonata skrzypcowa nr 2 a-moll

BWV 1003     


Suita wiolonczelowa nr 4 Es-dur

BWV 1010 


Suita wiolonczelowa nr 5 c-moll

BWV 1011


Byrd, William:

Lord Willoughby’s Welcome Home



Długoraj, Wojciech:




Dowland, John:

Come Away 

Can She Excuse

Lady Hunsdon’s Puffe 

Melancholy Galliard 

The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard



Scarlatti, Domenico:

Sonata K1

Sonata K3

Sonata K198 

Sonata K402 



Weiss, Silvius Leopold: Suita lutniowa nr 4 G-dur







Applebaum, Mark: Aphasia


Arnold, Tomasz: 

Cause There Is Noone Like Us

Dance and Noise

Naturally Artificial Spaces

Scatter In the Sky                                             

Carter, Elliott:




Davis, Nathan:

Crystal Radio


Kreiger, Arthur:

Occasional Demons


Lucier, Alvin:

Silver Streetcar for the Orchestra


Masson, Askell: Frum


Moszumanska-Nazar, Krystyna (arr. Tomasz Arnold): Bagatele 


Schindler, Allan: At the Edge


Stockhausen, Karlheiz:

No. 9 Zyklus


Xenakis, Iannis:

Rebounds A

Rebounds B 


Zivkovic, Nebojsa Jovan:

To the Gods of Rhythm






Akiho, Andy:

LigNEouS 1


Andriessen, Louis:



Arnold, Tomasz:

Concerto for Percussion and Mixed Ensemble


Błażewicz, Marcin:

Concerto Rustico for Marimba and Strings


Burritt, Michael:



Delacroix, Jean:

Reves d’enfan


Mullenbach, Alexander:

Concerto for Marimba and Strings


Michauld, Darius:

Concerto for Percussion and Small Orchestra


Morris, Robert:

Stream Runner


Sanchez-Gutierrez, Carlos:

Ex Machina


Schwantner, Joseph:

Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra


Thrower, John:

Aurora Borealis 


Rosauro, Ney:

Concerto for Marimba and Strings




Arnold, Tomasz: 

3x4 for Percussion and Amplified Piano

Bare Ballade

Mazurka Mashup

Navigating the Nocturnes 

Polonez na dwie marimby 

Revolutionary Remix 

Scherzo 1 

Scherzo 2 

Waltzing for a Few Minutes 


Błażewicz, Marcin:

Sahay Manush


Burritt, Michael:

Out of the Blue


Chopin, Fryderyk

(arr.Tomasz Arnold):


Mazurek f-moll op. 7 nr 3 

Mazurek e-moll op. 17 nr 2 

Mazurek Des-dur op. 30 nr 3 

Mazurek h-moll op. 33 nr 4 

Mazurek e-moll op. 41 nr 1 

Mazurek H-dur op. 56 nr 1

Walc Des-dur op. 64 nr 1

Nokturn e-moll op. posth 72 nr 1


Corelli, Arcangelo:

Sonata da chiesa nr 3 B-dur 


Daniel Kohane:

Mythic Ritual


Friedman, David/Samuels, Dave: Carousel 


Magin Carrie:



Molenhof, Bill:

One Notch Higher


Salynas, Marius:



Sanchez-Gutierrez, Carlos:

Kikai no mori [Ex Machina II]


Trevino, Ivan:

Catching Shadows


Tyson, Blake:

Vertical River



Abe, Keiko: Ancient Vase

            Dream of the Cherry Blossoms 


            Wind in the Bamboo Grove


Andriessen, Louis: Woodpecker


Arnold, Tomasz: Scherzo 3 

     Scherzo 4 

     Variations on the Seven Pitches 


Burritt, Michael: Caritas



Druckman, Jacob: Reflections On the Nature of Water


Edwards, Ross: Marimba Dances


Ignatowicz, Anna: Toccata


Kopetzki, Eckhard: Kaskada


Long, Patrick: Smoke of the Ghost


Magin, Carrie: Hegira 


Manoury, Philippe: Solo de vibraphone 


Miyake, Kazunori: Chain 


Morris, Robert: Stream Runner 


Muramatsu, Takatsugu: Land 


Puts, Kevin: Canyon


Sanchez-Gutierrez, Carlos: Winik/Te' 


Sammut, Eric: Cameleon


Schmitt, Matthias: Ghanaia

                   Sechs Miniaturen


Schwantner, Joseph: Velocities 


Sejourne, Emmanuel: Nancy 


Smadbeck, Paul: Rhythm Song


Stucky, Steven: Isabelle Dances 


Sueyoshi, Yasuo: Mirage pour marimba


Szalonek, Witold: Agnesissimo- Africanissimo


Thrower, John: True Colours 


Towner, Ralph (arr. Tomasz Arnold): If 


Vu, Ania: Floating Dandelions


Wuorinen, Charles: Marimba Variations


Zivkovich, Nebojsa Jovan: Ilias



Zohn-Muldoon, Ricardo: Daphne 











Byrd, William: Lord Willoughby’s Welcome Home



Długoraj, Wojciech: Finale



Dowland, John: Come Away 

               Can She Excuse

         Lady Hunsdon’s Puffe 

               Melancholy Galliard 

               The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth,

               Her Galliard



Scarlatti, Domenico: Sonata K1

                     Sonata K3

                     Sonata K198 

                     Sonata K402 



Weiss, Silvius Leopold: Suita lutniowa nr 4 G-dur







Applebaum, Mark: Aphasia


Arnold, Tomasz:  Cause There Is Noone Like Us

            Dance and Noise 

            Naturally Artificial Spaces

                 Scatter In the Sky



Carter, Elliott: Canaries



Davis, Nathan: Crystal Radio


Kreiger, Arthur: Occasional Demons


Lucier, Alvin: Silver Streetcar for the Orchestra


Masson, Askell: Frum


Moszumanska-Nazar, Krystyna (arr. Tomasz Arnold): Bagatele 


Schindler, Allan: At the Edge


Stockhausen, Karlheiz: No. 9 Zyklus


Xenakis, Iannis: Rebounds A

                 Rebounds B 


Zivkovic, Nebojsa Jovan: To the Gods of Rhythm









Akiho, Andy: LigNEouS 1


Andriessen, Louis: Tapdance


Arnold, Tomasz: Concerto for Percussion and Mixed Ensemble


Błażewicz, Marcin: Concerto Rustico for Marimba and Strings


Burritt, Michael: Rounders 


Delacroix, Jean: Reves d’enfan


Mullenbach, Alexander: Concerto for Marimba and Strings


Michauld, Darius: Concerto for Percussion and Small Orchestra


Morris, Robert: Stream Runner


Sanchez-Gutierrez, Carlos: Ex Machina


Schwantner, Joseph: Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra


Thrower, John: Aurora Borealis 


Rosauro, Ney: Concerto for Marimba and Strings






Arnold, Tomasz: 3x4 for Percussion and Amplified Piano

      Bare Ballade 

      Mazurka Mashup

      Navigating the Nocturnes 

      Polonez na dwie marimby 

      Revolutionary Remix 

      Scherzo 1 

      Scherzo 2 

      Waltzing for a Few Minutes 


Błażewicz, Marcin: Sahay Manush


Burritt, Michael: Out of the Blue











Corelli, Arcangelo: Sonata da chiesa nr 3 B-dur 


Daniel Kohane: Mythic Ritual


Friedman, David/Samuels, Dave: Carousel 


Magin Carrie: Spilberk 


Molenhof, Bill: One Notch Higher


Salynas, Marius: Circus


Sanchez-Gutierrez, Carlos: Kikai no mori [Ex Machina II]


Trevino, Ivan: Catching Shadows


Tyson, Blake: Vertical River